China prepares to launch relay satellite for moon mission in Hainan

(ECNS) -- A Long March 8 Y-3 carrier rocket was shipped to Wenchang Spacecraft Launch Center in south China's Hainan Province on Thursday, according to the China National Space Administration.

The rocket commissioned for launch mission of China's Queqiao-2, or Magpie Bridge-2, a relay satellite for communications between the far side of the moon and Earth, will undergo final assembly tests at the launch center.

The Long March 8 carrier rocket, which made maiden flight in 2020, is China's new generation carrier rocket with green and environmentally friendly liquid propellant, filling the gap in China's launch capability of sending payloads of 3 to 5 metric tons to the sun-synchronous orbit.

At present, the facilities at the launch site are in good condition and preparatory work is underway as planned.

Queqiao-2 is schedule to be launched in the first half of 2024.

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